Vanessa and her three daughters have lived with Vanessa’s parents in their three-bedroom home for the past six years. Vanessa shares the bottom bunk with her youngest daughter in a room with her two youngest daughters. Her oldest daughter has her own room, but sometimes Vanessa’s mom shares a bed with Vanessa’s oldest daughter. The family is extremely cramped and all six members of the household share one bathroom.

Living in her parents’ house was a godsend after Vanessa’s divorce, but now Vanessa feels that it is time to raise her daughters in a place of their own.

She has worked hard to pay off her credit cards and has even been able to set aside over $5,000 to demonstrate her readiness to become a homeowner.

Vanessa is excited about starting her sweat equity hours. She has many friends and family members who will help her to complete them. She is grateful for the opportunity to be a Habitat Partner Family, and knows it will change the future for her children.