Urbano, Mayra, Efrain (19), Daisy (11), and Emily (7)  have lived in their three-bedroom apartment in National City for the past seven years. There are many disturbances in the complex, and it affects the children greatly. Vandals break car windows and light trash cans on fire. Management does not respond to these issues or maintenance requests. Neighbors smoke incessantly, and Mayra has terrible problems with her asthma as a result

Mayra is a stay-at-home mom and Urbano has been a truck driver for 10 years, a stable job that provides for his family. But he wants more for them. Efrain recently finished high school and has found a great job working in a warehouse. Daisy and Emily love school and the bedroom that they share boasts medals in nearly every subject that Daisy studies.

Urbano longs to provide a safe, secure and healthy space for his children to learn and grow. They can do that in their new Habitat home in Imperial Beach.