Together, our voices can effect major change, and we consistently use our voices to advocate for solutions to affordable housing issues facing San Diegans. In January, we joined 25 other California Habitat affiliates on a two-day lobbying trip to Sacramento. We thanked our legislators for their support of the recently passed housing package, and urged them to continue passing legislation that helps Californians combat the affordable housing crisis.

CEO Lori Pfeiler also recently joined more than 340 Habitat leaders, volunteers and homeowners from across the country in Washington, DC, to advocate for affordable housing. The budget proposed by the White House would drastically cut — and in some cases entirely eliminate — funding that communities use to finance the construction and repair of affordable homes, including the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, the Self Help Ownership Opportunity (SHOP) Program, and the AmeriCorps program.

In meetings over the course of three days with locally elected legislators representing San Diego, Habitat called on Congress to set aside the flawed budget proposal and instead work to prioritize solutions that will end the affordable housing crisis.