Only 30% of Americans say they have a will, which means that most people reading this need to make one. If, like most of us, you don’t have an estate attorney on speed dial, the online resource makes it easy to prepare your will in a jiffy, for free!

Most people think that wills are only important if you have a lot of money or property, but that’s not true. Check out the 10 reasons a will is a worthwhile effort. Also, the average age at which people make their first will is 44 years old, so you don’t have to be a senior to plan well.

Not only can you ensure the security of your family after you are gone, you can also affect great positive change in our community through a planned gift. The easiest planned gift for you to make is to leave a portion of your estate to a nonprofit as a bequest in your will. Even if you choose to leave 1% of your total estate, it can make a huge impact. We’d be honored if you would consider making a legacy gift to San Diego Habitat for Humanity. There are many different ways to make this type of gift — some that will even bring you a financial benefit.

The life-changing work we do in partnership with local families is more sustainable through your generosity. Please let us know if you have decided to include San Diego Habitat in your estate planning so we can properly thank you!